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Aim 1 To create widespread awareness of the sector, its self-identification, its trading, voice and understanding of added social, environmental and economic value and suustainbility the sector brings.

Aim 2 To develop a confident, knowledgeable and effective sector in all aspects of its economic, social and environmental endeavour

Aim 3 To attract financial, in kind and volunteer investment to the social enterprise and cooperative sector 

Join us and help develop the identity, marketing, profile, capacity, and investment in social economy enterprises in the Solent area and improve your own opportunities to trade sustainably:  

JOIN SOCIAL ENTERPRISE LINK and get your voice heard and improve business opportunities for you and the social economy enterprise sector

We help lead the local Solent Social Enterprise Zone which has been certified by SEUk as place social enterprise activity is thriving or will be thriving with a strong plan. From quarters, towns, cities and zones, areas around the UK are declaring themselves as social enterprise places committed to investing in the sector. Read more.

As an introductory offer and to help build the PLACES SEUK are also offering new members a reduced price membership fee and a percentage fee to the local place. Join Social Enterprise UK, and quote SEUKPLACES to for these benefits and more. Call or email us to discuss the benefits of joining both SEL and SEUK.

We have an informal structure with lead organisations co-ordinating and contracting on behalf of the Zone, from two hubs in Southampton and Portsmouth.

Lead Organisations               Social Enterprise Link (SEL) and Community Empowerment (CEL)

The Action Group                  SEL, CEL, CAN, Cooperantics, The Southampton Collective, Social Care in Action, Wheatsheaf Trust

The Stakeholder Group          20 of the leading local Social Economy Enterprise investors

The Trading Partners Group   Over 80 Local Social, Cooperative and Community Enterprises

The Solent Zone Consortia    Trading partners getting together










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Social Enterprise Link (Wessex) Cooperative CIC is business development and network organisation.

Registered address: 90 Locksway Road Southsea PO4 8JP

Website; Registered Company number 07715180

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