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Ist October 2024
Solent Social Enterprise Place Networking meeting - 10.00am - miday
(agenda on eventbrite link)
Includes a discussion on doubling the size of the Social Economy - leading on from the Governments pledge to double the size of the Co-operative sector
February 2024
Is a Co-op right for You?
22nd February 2024. 11am – 2pm.
Arrival 11am – 11-15.
11. - 11.10Welcome & Introduction Chris Funnell (CAN)
11.10 – 11.45 Intro to Co-ops. Geoff Wade (Community Empowerment Ltd)
11.45 – 12.15 Case Study One. Clare Diaper (October Books)
12.15 12.45 LUNCH
1245 – 13.15 Case Study Two. Robert Stark (Fox & Hounds)
13.15 – 13.35 Support Available. (Presentation followed by
13.35 – 14.00 Q&A Panel) chaired by John Spiegelhalter (Vice-Chair Hants & IoW Co-op Party).
November 21st 2023
Dukes Keep Hub launch and Solent Social Enterprise Place celebration
15th May 2021
Solent Social Enterprise network and the local environment for Arts, Culture and media Social Enterprises.
From 10.00 - 12.00 am with an active network of people from the wider Social Economy community. This weeks industrial sector Specialist is Matt Salvage from SoCo Music giving insights and facilitating the session on the local environment for Arts, Culture and media Social Enterprises. Find out more and book on the link below
3rd March 2021
The Social Enterprise Environment in the Solent area
This short information and training session from 9.30 to 12.30 is the first of a series of sessions facilitated by Social Enterprise Link. We will be brining in experts from different industrial sectors in future, to give specialist insights about their sector.
5th February 2020
Introduction to Social Enterprise course.
This one day course, from 10.00 til 16.00 on 5th February 2020 at October Books, has been designed to provide you with a good understanding of what social enterprises are and the different routes you can follow to help you get work with or set up a Social Enterprise.
30th September 2019
A networking and training event for Social Entrepreneurs and commissioners and social enterprises interested in building their trade
8th November 2018: Solent Social Enterprise Zone Summit
A great event in Portsmouth for people from across the region whether practioners, stakeholders or just interested people.
12th June 2018. Social Enterprise Networking event Southampton;
7th - 14th October 2017 Solent Social Enterprise Festival. Events, publicity, trading opportunities, rounded of with Social Saturday. Please take part.
10th October Stakeholder event at Solent University 9.30 - 14.00
Bookings: Social Enterprise Opportunities event
14th October Buy Social - national events
14th March 2017. Social Enterprise Networking Breakfast. 8.30 - 10.00am at Dukes Keep. Book here
26th October Solent Social Enterprise and Solent Local Economic Partnership collaboration Wednesday 26th October - Portsmouth. Booking details to be confirmed. |
15th October Social Saturday:
23rd September: Social Entrepreneurs and the local and international Social and Solidarity Economy 23rd September Portsmouth 10.00 - 4.00
15th September: What do you want from Solent Social Enterprise Zone: Consulation and engagement event to plan te coming year
13th September Social Enterprise Networking Event in Winchester 17.30 for 18.00 - 20.00 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
18th May: Social and Cooperative Enterprise network meeting in Portsmouth. 8.00 - 10.00am
18th March: Social Enterprise breakfast network meeting in Southampton 8.00 am
February: Solent Social Enterprise Festival