Join Social Enterprise Link and/or subscribe to our services

Get the right membership for you

Become a SEL Cooperative member

Pay securely with a credit or debit card. You do not need a PayPal account but can use one if you wish


A one off payment of £1 enables you to become a member of Social Enterprise Link for
life. This gives you right to have say in how the organisation is run, to stand as a Director and more.

If you and or your organisation wants to take advantage of SEL services then please sign
up as SEL services member.

Become a SEL Services members

Pay securely with a credit or debit card. You do not need a PayPal account but can use one if you wish


For just £10 per month you will be entitled to:

  1. Introductory four hours consultation and up to six hours ongoing social enterprise
    mentoring support (worth £800)
  2. Two free listings on Social Enterprise Link Marketplace (worth £120pa)
  3. Preferential terms to particpate in Social Enterprise Link networking meetings (event dependant)
  4. Preferential access to our collective and consortia bidding partner service (Commissions and grant applications)
  5. Social Enterprise sector advocacy with anchor institutions, other business and institutional commissioners, buyers and economic development leaders (
  6. Preferential access to and rates for use of our Social Enterprise Hub(s)
  7. SEL Newsletter Stay in touch with all the latest developments and events from the social enterprise sector throughout the Wessex region

    If you also want to have a say in how Social Enterprise Link is run make sure you have
    agreed to both member packages.
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Social Enterprise Link (Wessex) Cooperative CIC is business development and network organisation.

Registered address: 90 Locksway Road Southsea PO4 8JP

Website; Registered Company number 07715180

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